

This new tourist resort is located just 30 km from Antalya and 25 km from the airport. 170 sq km of green plains, coniferous forests, rivers and fields between the Taurus Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea are a protected natural area. Belek is considered a resort for wealthy vacationers. Only five-star hotels and elite tourist complexes are located here, built in such a way as not to disturb the unique ecological balance of the coast with its eucalyptus forests. The only resort along the entire Turkish coast that is not associated with any historical site. What makes Belek so popular among vacationers?! Well, of course, kilometers of sandy beaches, clear turquoise sea, fresh sea breeze, pine forests, picturesque horse riding routes, and most importantly, excellent golf courses. Right here, in 1994, the National Golf Club was opened - one of the largest golf clubs in the world. Golf courses fully comply with international standards and requirements. Golf clubs in Belek hold international championships, offer programs for professionals and beginners. Of the educational programs, it will be interesting to visit such monuments of the ancient world as Perge, Termessos, Aspendos, Silenus, especially since they are all in close proximity to each other.